만성 변비 & 자율신경 장애 여아 치료 사례 작성자 : 이중현     작성일 : 2019-09-01

Resolution of Chronic Constipation & Dysautonomia

in a Three-Year-Old Female Following Chiropractic

Care: A Case Report & Review of the Literature


Amy P. Merkovich, DC

Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, Chiropractic ~ August 23, 2019 ~ Pages 100-104



Objective: The purpose of this paper is to discuss the positive health outcomes following chiropractic management of a three-year-old child who suffered from chronic constipation.

Clinical Features: The patient presented for chiropractic care at age three after a full year of constipation and use of multiple chemical stimulants in order to have a bowel movement. The patient was unable to have a non-laxative induced bowel movement and after 4-5 days of without bowel movements her parents would begin giving her laxatives until it triggered a bowel movement, which was reported to be large, very firm, and an overall traumatic experience for the child. Examination included spinal thermography, postural analysis, supine leg length comparison, range of motion, static and motion palpation of her spine.  The patient was diagnosed with vertebral subluxations of the cervical region with related dysautonomia.

Intervention and Outcomes: Diversified chiropractic adjustments were utilized to correct the cervical subluxations.  After two office visits, the patient’s constipation changed dramatically as she started having daily bowel movements.  Within a three-month period of weekly chiropractic visits and adjustments, the patient’s constipation resolved completely.

Conclusion: This case demonstrates the resolution of chronic constipation following chiropractic care. Further research is warranted.

Key Words: Chiropractic, Diversified Technique, constipation, vertebral subluxation, adjustment, spinal manipulation, spinal thermography, vagus nerve, dysautonomia

첨부파일 : merkovich_constipation.pdf
나강호  2019-09-03
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